مقطع کارشناسی ارشد : عنوان ارائه ی مدلی برای بررسی سیاست های بهبود زنجیره ... |
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(۰۸۳) Mortality function = WITH LOOKUP (Time, ([(-7,0)-(90,0.12)],(-6.5,0.0735), (5.5,0.0774), (17.5,0.0835), (29.5,0.0955), (41.5,0.0953), (53.5,0.0927), (65.5,0.0917), (77.5,0.0903), (89.5,0.0889) ))
Units: bird/Month
(۰۸۴) Number of Broiler Chicken in growth= INTEG (Growth-Live broiler production rate-Mortality,
Units: bird
(۰۸۵) Official dollar price= look up
Units: rial
(۰۸۶) Optima percent= (Fuel optimized units/Total units)*1.2
(۰۸۷) Optimize rate = WITH LOOKUP (Time, ([(0,0)-(85,400)],(0,0), (23.49,0), (23.5,9.81), (29.5,109), (41.5,287), (53.5, 197), (63,110), (85,116.5) ))
(۰۸۸) Other costs= INTEG (Other costs change,100)
Units: toman
(۰۸۹) Other costs change= Inflation rate*Other costs
(۰۹۰) Pellet production = WITH LOOKUP /Units: ton
(۰۹۱) Per capita income ([(-7,0)-(85,1e+007)],(-6.5,1.717e+006), (5.5,1.9486e+006), (17.5,2.107e+006), (29.5,2.461e+006), (41.5,3.10775e+006), (53.5,4.214e+006), (63,5.48e+006), (85,8.924e+006))
Units: toman
(۰۹۲) Percent of change= (Official dollar price(Time)/Official dollar price(Time-1))
(۰۹۳) Percent pellet= SMOOTH (Pellet production/Monthly grain consumption,3)
(۰۹۴) Period growth= Time of growth+5
Units: day
(۰۹۵) Personal investment=MAX ((170*SMOOTH(DELAY1(BM profit average,2),3))-Improveme
(۰۹۶) Pop function = WITH LOOKUP (Time, ([(0,0)-(85,0.002)],(0,0.00131), (11.5,0.00129), (23.5,0.00108), (35.5,0.0011), (43,0.000333333), (47.5,0.00098), (59.5,0.00135), (63,0.00134), (85,0.0013) ))
Units: 1/Month
(۰۹۷) Population= INTEG (Growth rate, 7.152e+007)
Units: Person
(۰۹۸) Product index=((100*(1-Mortality function)*Weight average live)/(FCR*Time of growth))*10
(۰۹۹) Production capacity changing= MAX(0.9,MIN(1,(SMOOTH(The rate of profit,2) /(0.2+SMOOTH(Inflation rate,2)))))-Rearing house capacity
(۱۰۰) Rearing house capacity = WITH LOOKUP (Time, ([(-7,0)-(85,4e+008)],(-6.5,2.332e+008), (5.5,2.531e+008), (17.5,2.74705e+008), (29.5,2.851e+008), (41.5,3.014e+008), (53.5,3.227e+008), (63,3.396e+008), (85,3.767e+008) ))
Units: bird
(۱۰۱) SAVEPER = 0.5 /Units: Month /The frequency with which output is stored.
(۱۰۲) Soybean consumption=0.27*Monthly grain consumption
Units: ton/Month
(۱۰۳) Soybean import = WITH LOOKUP ( Time, ([(-7,0)-(85,400000)],(-6.5,86880), (5.5,88630), (17.5,118600), (29.5,159800), (41.5,128900), (53.5,197900), (65.5,212300), (85,229649) ))
Units: ton/Month
(۱۰۴) Soybean inventory= INTEG (Soybean import+Soybean production-Soybean consumption,348000)
Units: ton
(۱۰۵) Soybean price= INTEG (Soybean price change, 535)
Units: toman
(۱۰۶) Soybean price change= ((Percent of change*(1+SMOOTH(World soya price change/100,2)))-1)*Soybean price*Soybean price F
Units: toman/Month
(۱۰۷) Soybean price F = WITH LOOKUP ( The rate of soybean demand to supply, ([(0,0)-(3,2)],(0,0.8), (1,1), (2,1.2) ))
Units: 1/Month
(۱۰۸) Soybean production = WITH LOOKUP ( Time, ([(-8,0)-(85,20000)],(-6.5,11000), (5.5,12000), (17.5,12000), (29.5,10080), (41.5,7500), (53.5,11670), (63,13157.9), (85,14298.2) ))
Units: ton/Month
(۱۰۹) Standard feeding = WITH LOOKUP ( Time of growth, ([(45,0)-(55,6.5)],(45,4.943), (46,5.15), (47,5.358), (48,5.57), (49,5.783), (50,5.997), (51,6.213), (52,6.431) ))
(۱۱۰) Standard percent= 0.85382+(Modernization rate*0.113)+(Percent pellet*0.083)
(۱۱۱) Standard weight function = WITH LOOKUP (Time of growth, ([(45,0)-(55,4)],(45,2.376), (46,2.447), (47,2.518), (48,2.588), (49,2.657), (50,2.726), (51,2.794), (52,2.862) ))
Units: kg/day
(۱۱۲) The rate of BM demand to inventory=
Monthly oscillation*(MAX(BM Demand/Carcass yield rate,0.9))^2
(۱۱۳) The rate of chicken demand to production=
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[دوشنبه 1400-09-29] [ 08:15:00 ق.ظ ]